Arcade's PicturesA View from the Arcade (Nisis DV5)
The Hotel in Camelot being an old style hotel and by that I mean it has lots of nooks and crannies to have look in, it has entertainments, several bars, suites, restaurants and more twists and turns from your reception to your room that you would take on an average commute (these are not bad things please note I like these sorts of things, also make it more interesting when you're three sheets and trying to get back to your room). Incidentally after hiring a Sherpa to help us to the room we found that we were only ten yards (line of sight) from where we started, if only we could go through brick the trip would have been much shorter, just probably less fun. Even then there was a shorter route than that which we were given.
Anyway this is a view from the games arcade with air(flow) football or whatever you call it which was played muchly along with the other arcade games and then as you can see in the picture, this happened, so we had to stay put and play a few games. As usual on quite hot and sunny days it was a quick hammering and it stopped dried and external activities were resumed.
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