Click here to see all pictures from August 2015 Hamburgs TV Tower More Pictures by Nikon D5300 It's been a long day what with all the walking, and I wish I could say that I found the real Hamburg, but perhaps that's something that takes time, mind you I might have found the real it's just it wasn't the one I was expecting. Since being here we have seen the town hall, the red light district (near our hotel), the fair ground, lots of docks (nearly leaving by a boat after a wrong turn) and the main park in Hamburg. All pretty impressive, but I was expecting pretty buildings and the like, but so far it's all been a bit utilitarian 60s concrete. That's not to say there haven't been beautiful buildings, the one behind the chocolate museum is impressive (and reminds me of a bourbon biscuit), but it's not something to come to Hamburg in itself. Still we are here for a couple more days so, there's time to get run over by a herd bicycles. Anyway, just at the North end of the park is this dominating...well not exactly imposing, but you can see it from all over the park, and it's quite impressive. It's a TV tower call the Heinrich-Heinz-Turmand more or less closed to the public in 2005 which is a pity as I was hoping to have a birds eye view of Hamburg. Tags: hamburg tower water reflections germany 0 comments have been left Make a Comment |