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Pictures by Camera
QTEK 9100
Sony Ericsson K700i
Minolta X500
Rollei 35b
Nisis DV5
Nikon F3 T
Pentax Optio 50
Lomo Fisheye
JVC Everio GZ-MS100
HTC Touch Pro 2
FujiFilm FinePix 1600
Nikon D5000
Orange San Francisco
Samsung Galaxy S
Canon PowerShot SX230 HS
Nexus 4
Nikon D5300

Click here to see all pictures from May 2007

Demon Programmer
More Pictures by QTEK 9100

Just a quick snap of the cat who appears addicted to my laptop. If I sit down and start messing with the laptop the cat decides to sit in the most inconvenient place. I don't know why he like it so much, It also appears that the more important the task I have to do the more the cat gets in the way. So if I have to do some work out of hours then the cat is here quicker than if I'd have opened a can of Tuna. He starts by pawing at my arm because it's in his way, and then he just plonks hinself down, arm or no arm, head just near the mouse (ah perhaps that's it) pad pinning my right arm to my leg.

At least he has stopped walking over the keyboard, which was a little scary when I was logged into one of our live machines at work. One incorrect key press as I'm editing a file and who knows what could happen, so as you can imagine the first (and last) time he did that I did have a quite a bit of checking to do to confirm that nothing had gone awry.

Tags: cat computer
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