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January's Pictures

Messing About in Boats
Messing About in Boats (Nikon D5300)

I am sure the last time we went to the National Waterways Museum it was huge, however this time, it seemed less so. I suspect part of that was because the engine hall was silent and the pump house was closed, so I suspect that didn't help. I also seem to remember that the blacksmith was working the last time too, so I suspect there were a lot of things to do. Perhaps we were lucky or maybe we went on a Saturday.

0 comments have been left21:04 26 Jan 2015Tags: boat warehouse water museum
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Moo Cow Don't Bother Me
Moo Cow Don't Bother Me (Nikon D5300)

Ah the first picture of the New Year and finally some wintry weather, though to be honest it could have waited until we had got inside and nice and cosy so we could view the horrible weather through a window instead of at first hand.

After an hour of walking in sunny weather, then snow, then sleet, then rain and back to snow again we did manage to view the storm through the glass of the cafe, but half way through we met up with these two which I initially wasn't bothered about until one of them gave a brief shooing motion to my Wife with it's horns at which point I thought it was wise to keep a steady distance.

Still that's my weekly exercise done... where are the chips.

0 comments have been left20:35 19 Jan 2015Tags: cows snow sculpture park horns
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