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December's Pictures

Dr Who is Following Me
Dr Who is Following Me (Nikon D5000)

It's been a busy day. At first we headed off to see the Halo, one of the Panopticons. So far we have seen the Singing Ringing Tree which was months ago and in the same day we attempted to find the Halo but didn't find it. This might have been to do with the low cloud that made the Singing Ringing Tree pointless in that there was no wind and there was no view. So today we headed to find the Halo. This time we were prepared. Multiple searches on Google Maps found the blighter and we put a street name into the GPS which gave me a vague feeling that at least we might get into the area which was right. I must admit that the GPS did dump us in a place that didn't look like the picture on Google Maps but we were at least near enough for me to navigate a way. When we got there the problem was that there was little to see again because of the weather and the fact that despite Haslingden looks pretty(ish) when you're going through it, from the top it looks less so.

So what to do now? I hammered the GPS for a shopping place and it directed me to Bury... thinking that this might not be great I remembered the place I drove past every day when I worked in Blackburn... “Botany Bay”. Turn off the GPS and let's go! Half way there I had a crisis... “is Botany Bay north or south of Bolton?”. GPS back on. Not found. Internet on phone, found postcode, set GPS and away we go again.

Anyway back to the picture. Whilst in the 6 or so floors of Botany Bay we saw this, and I'm starting to worry whether Dr. Who is following me. In this one you can go in and see the whole Dr. Who Tardis expanse, but in this case I think there is some connection to the brick like structure behind... but I'm not sure. Of course I think that Dr. Who had missed a trick here. As yet I'm not sure that he's found a way of stopping the Cybermen totally but here they wait patiently behind a rope. My advice here to the Dr would be to get a rope.

0 comments have been left22:00 30 Dec 2010Tags: dr. who botany bay cybermen phonebox
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Merry Christmas from Zamyatin
Merry Christmas from Zamyatin (Nikon D5000)

With all the festivities done (well for me at least) I thought that I would grace Zamyatin with a pic since I have been so lax this month. I must admit I don't see it getting any better so the zero regular viewers will be disappointed. The good news is that since I have no regular viewers then I disappoint no-one.

Anyway back to the pic.

Of course on Christmas day I had my camera out and bearing in mind that I don't put pics of people on the site I chose my present from my Daughter. Not sure why she thought that I might want a stuffed toy? Perhaps next year I'll get her a GPS.

0 comments have been left22:41 25 Dec 2010Tags: dog christmas present
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Gawsworth Church
Gawsworth Church (Nikon D5000)

OK we got lost but at least we got there in the end where ever there was off course. We initially started heading to Capesthorne Hall and an initial disagreement of how to get there caused us to pass Tarporly Hall which is where we got to the last time we tried to get to Capesthorne Hall. That time we had no cash and they didn't take cards. This time I thought that we needed to head down the A34 but we ended up travelling down the A556. We did end up at Capesthorne Hall and of course it was closed so we headed down to Gawsworth Hall, only to find that we had been there before and it was also closed.

Anyway we decided that stick around and walk around. The ducks were very glad to see us because they thought that we had bread as they skated around on the frozen pond. After taunting the ducks as they followed us despite having no bread we walked around the church and as you can imagine there is where the picture was taken. Nothing more to say other than it was cold and we then left for home the long way round.

0 comments have been left22:04 5 Dec 2010Tags: church gawsworth snow graves cemetery
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