St Helens's PicturesWe travelled to see this sculpture last year, only to find that it wasn't finished. So we had a few hours to kill whilst our daughter was in rehearsals for a play. Luckily the sculpture is just outside in St Helens where the Sutton Manor Colliery used to be, the site apparently on a slag heap. Of course looking out onto the M62 it's obviously vying for a place in art history along side the Angel of the North. Personally I prefer the Angel of the North, this -whilst impressive- is just a white elongated head. Despite this there were plenty of visitors to the site, so it's not doing too bad for itself. Needless to day the picture was taken looking up at the sculpture making it look very deformed. I was trying to get the head less elongated but by accident got the chin far too big to look normal. What would have bee nice if there was more time would have been to look out for remnants of the pit which was supposed to be the largest in Lancashire, but it was back on the road to get Tea and pick up our daughter.