Fireworks's PicturesThis was the best pic taken when reviewing the pictures on the camera. I'm not too sure now. This was one of the best for a couple of reasons. It was only until I'd taken a couple of pictures did I fully realise the digital camera lag and how to "play" it. When you hit the "take a picture" button it waits for a while, so you end up having to guess when the thing will explode because you can't always go too much on the sound of it (sound travelling slower than light), anyway this was the best one from that point of view. And that is the end of the lecture.
The display was OK in all, the waiting and standing round a fire that heated your face and did nothing for your body or feet was sort of worth it. I suspect standing under a tree canopy was not the best place to stand to see rockets but hey let's make the best of what we have.
It occurred to me that if my feet were cold then my daughter, who was wearing the obligatory childrens Wellington Boots, which are made of material less substantial than the stuff Sainsburys wrap sandwiches in, would be even more cold. Nice pic though.
It was at this point I was having no fun, so I started getting my camera phone out, which kept me amused as well as the people who thought I was rather sad.