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Fake's Pictures

Fake Coins
Fake Coins (Nisis DV5)

Today's game is spot the fake. Which one do you think?

I received both pound coins as a leaving gift and only one of them is a fake. This isn’t me being ungrateful at all believe me, it’s just since I married someone who deals with money day in day out I now know what a fake pound coin looks like. I’m not good with notes by the way.

For those who need help it’s the one on the right. OK it looks just like a battered pound coin, but that’s not it. When you look at it in reasonable light there’s a silvery quality that you can’t see in the scan here, however without that it still looks like a fake. I just thought that this would be of interest to people who spend pounds. I suspect from a forging point of view they are easier to pass off after all they are only a pound, but if you mint enough then it amounts a great deal of cash for the counterfeiters.

Lesson over.

0 comments have been left17:00 13 Aug 2005Tags: fake coins
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