Club's PicturesOn the way to the Transport Museum, we noticed this building. A scary looking place that actually looks closed. My wife and I wondered what went on in the building but agreed that popping our heads through the door would be the last on our list of things to do before we died, however we suspected that popping our heads though the door might have been the last thing we may ever do in our life expecting it to be tragically cut short right after our visit or more correctly during it. There are a few places I have this feeling about, one being the Polygon Hotel around Longsight I think. It's a great name, an interesting building but one heck of a scary pub. The strange thing about the Hellfire Club is that it's not that scary in some ways, it's an ordinary restaurant. I say ordinary and that's not true but it's not the place I would have imagined and actually somewhere that I might survive a visit which is contrary to what I thought. I found this all out after I took the picture. As an aside in the right of the picture you can just see a flat bed lorry with a car on it. As I took the picture the guy hooted his horn. Knowing what effect taking pictures can have on some people I ignored it. I have had this before, once I got something similar in Spain when I took a picture of a University (I think it was in Seville but I could be wrong) a scooter rider decided the best thing he could do would be to get in shot beeping his horn and waving and now he is immortal in my photo collection, his fame is now assured. This lorry guy decided that not only would he hit his horn but then drive up along side me and come out with a witty remark which went something to the effect of "Was that where you were last night?" of course I roared with laughter. Now knowing that it's a horror themed restaurant I think the joke might be on him because that might have been where I was last night having a jolly good horror themed meal.