Click here to see all pictures from June 2014 Rhino Too More Pictures by Nikon D5000 Well I thought that I recognised this chap from afar, but then again I am a little weird. I do that sort of thing to be honest. But as we were attempting to enter the maze at Adlington Hall I noticed it enough to want a picture when we left. It was a little surprise for everyone else who hadn't seen it there snuck to the left of the maze. What it's weird is that I did think it looked similar to the rhino at Trentham Gardens and I sort of thought nothing of it. It was only until today when I checked and fund that it was the same as the rhino in Trentham Gardens. Despite the fact that it's the same, they are not owned by the same people as far as I am aware. I would love to say that I have the set but I don't and do, because up until now there is only one, and it moved about. Tags: rhino adlington hall gardens 0 comments have been left Make a Comment |