Click here to see all pictures from July 2006 Pylons and Stuff at Philips Park More Pictures by Nisis DV5 Not a great photo with the DV5 but it'll do for the purpose. Another archive pic. Never thought much of it at the time, but it sort of prooves what a strange city Manchester really is. One view is a view of a train track that stops (Train Terminates Here). One side there's an expanse of fields and another you have the pylons with a where the wires sink into the ground because of a generator and new fantastic flats. All within a few minutes walk from the new Stadium, and all a few minutes walk from the canal and a graveyard and park that once in the middle of you might be somewhere else. Here however you can hear the traffic and some of it feels oppressive. Tags: pylons philips park 0 comments have been left Make a Comment |