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QTEK 9100
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FujiFilm FinePix 1600
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Orange San Francisco
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Canon PowerShot SX230 HS
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Nikon D5300

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More Reflections
More Pictures by Nisis DV5

Having a walk in Reddish Vale (again), the sun was out and it was quite a nice day, even though the morning was rather cold, but still bright. This appeared to be a good picture however I'm not really too impressed with how it turned out. One thing that's probably had to make out (if not impossible) is the heron sitting on a branch just right of the centre of the shot. Mind you unless I hadn't have seen the bird land there myself; I'd not have guessed it was there. Anyway I liked the reflections so took the picture; of course the sky is a little overexposed reminding me why I should take more pictures with my 35mm cameras, because they allow me more control of the overall exposure.

Tags: reddish reflections lake
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