Click here to see all pictures from July 2008 Letting Sleeping Pigs Lie More Pictures by Pentax Optio 50 Back in Cholmondeley Castle in the rare breeds section. Here we Gloucester Black Spots having a kip after a hard days snuffling and all this walking and the two pints of Strongbow were making me feel like the same though I'm not sure I'd be comfortable as they were. Shortly after the picture was taken one of them decided that he could be more comfortable getting between two of them and he would have been right if they were happy with this proposal which they were not, at which point squealing started and a rumpus began. The main one in the picture was barely behind the fence with it's little body poking through the wire and you could imagine a short sleepy roll could find it on the wrong side and freedom. Tags: pig sleep cholmondeley 0 comments have been left Make a Comment |