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Click here to see all pictures from March 2011 Exhibit 57: The Lizard, only 300 to go More Pictures by Nikon D5000 When it was suggested that we went to Chester Zoo or Blue Planet Aquarium, I was hping that sense would prevail as I seem to remember I hating Chester Zoo, also the weather didn't look too great, however after turning up I realised that it wasn't Chester Zoo I heted I thought it was the Welsh Mountain Zoo... not the place itself I must stress more the way that we seem to have to go round the Zoo as some sore of tick list of all exhibits apparently defying tiredness or boredom. Personally I'm quite happy giving up half way round leaving my poor feet and my will to live intact. It became apparent at 4:30 that this is a tac tic in any zoo. Luckily today I had my camera so this helped keep my spirits up and allowed me to take my mind off how long we were there and how many exhibits we were missing, however by 5pm as most people were following the exist signs and we were walking against the flow of traffic that once again we still had things to see, after all we wouldn't possibly leave the Zoo without looking at the Black Rhinos which to all intents and purpose look just like normal Rhinos when viewed 100 yards away. Anyway back to the pic. It's a Lizard of some sort, but what sort I am not sure, please leave a comment if you know. I was too busy taking pictures to read the sign I am afraid then then we were off to the next one. ![]() Tags: chester zoo lizard 0 comments have been left Make a Comment |