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Concorde Number Two
More Pictures by Nikon D5000

Now this just sounds like we're stalking Concordes now, but that's not the case, but the two in the title is interesting because this is Concorde 02 built in Filton and built as a test aircraft and not as a commercial aircraft. Taking off from Filton on the 9th of April 1969 and now resting in the Air Arm Museum in Yeovitton. Owing to the fact that the aircraft was a test aircraft then you seem to have more of a free run in and around the aircraft unlike the plush aircraft in Manchester/ However the interior of this one is slightly basic. I suspect the seats that are there are just for show as the aircraft would probably have been chock full of equipment and basic seats for people to work the equipment.

Of course, there are more things to see than the Concorde. It's a Navy Aircraft Museum as the name might have suggested and some really interesting exhibits such as one hall which is a mock up of an aircraft carrier, more specifically the Ark Royal. You see take offs and landings and get a tour round the Island and all of that after you take a 2 minute “flight” in a Sea King to the aircraft carrier.

Of course if you want to see the rest, then get down there, it's worth a visit.

Tags: concorde museum tail aircraft plane
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