February's PicturesIts All a Load of Pollocks (Nikon D5000)
The weather had been bad, so much so, I had to buy a broken umbrella for 5 euros, so with no photo ops in the making and the Carneval not kicking off until we leave we headed for the Guggenheim gallery for a bit of fun. Well it was OK if you're into your modern art and I don't mind it, just some of it I find a little pointless like the elongated graph paper which I was someone taking a picture of... why? I assumed that the nearest WHSmiths to him was quite a way away so printing his own from the picture was his best option. Of course the joke is on him because the squares weren't square. I must admit I doubted that this chap didn't know of a decent WHSmiths, after all there's a nice little branch in Paris just outside the Louvre, so if there's one there in that far flung distant backwater then I suspect the Amazon rain forests are overrun with them walking C90s with Code masters games at 99p and oils paints for goodness knows who.
Anyway back to the pic, the is of a Jackson Pollock would you believe. Of course this is prior to his association with the Stone Roses, after which hemust have hit the big time so surely he retired on his huge royalties and will be regularly seen in Ibiza.
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Down Time with the Gondola People (Nikon D5000)
After a purchase of a 24h ticket on the water bus there was no stopping us. We headed to the train station to investigate the smallest park ever, which filled all of an hour, which included the 58 minute water bus there. Then we headed off to the Lido to have a quick check whether things had changed there since our stay and they hadnt, so we stopped for some refreshment and then headed back to St Marks Square rather than head to our hotel directly, so we then meandered through the streets back to the hotel, stopping off at the art gallery and the bridge to the Academia which this was taken from. The gallery wasn't up to much but the weather had improved so the views out to S. Maria were better than they would have been in the morning when it was overcast. Of course this is one of a group of 4 Gondala men sitting around waiting to pounce on tourists.
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Duomo of S. Maria (Nikon D5000)
More trolling about today and variable weather, some of today was spent inside the the Doge's house which was quite special but no photography is allowed. The main attraction was tripping across the Bridge of Sighs and from my point of view the only sighing that happened was as you would expect when we saw the view, it was so average I sighed from tiredness after walking all around the Doge's pad. Don't get me wrong, if you're off down to chokey in Venice then perhaps you would sigh at your last visions of the view, but owing to the fact that I would soon be out and enjoying a beer in the sunshine the the sigh was more about the waste of time to see an average view of a bridge full of people taking a picture of the Bridge of Sighs, which of course is the wrong way around supposedly.
We also got to the Naval Museum which was OK and full off... boats and stuff. Some of the contraptions were interesting like the two man torpedo which would run for 10 hours at a time and when the target was acquired they would pop off the nose of the thing, attach it to a boat and drive off, safe in the knowledge that the newly detached nose would explode.
Anyway, this is a pic of the Dome of Saint Maria which sits on the mouth of the Grand Canal and is quite impressive to visit but if memory serves then it can be a little awkward to get to. The steps to it drop right into the water too which makes you assume that you can get there direct by boat which would be impressive, this taken from the bridge from the Academia, which is another bridge that seems to have been taken over by padlocks.
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Two Little Gondolas Sitting in a Line (Nikon D5000)
It's day one in Venice and it has been a tiring day with all the walking and getting in late last night. It's funny how your memory of trips ignores the long and partly arduous bits. I just never remembered that the water bus from the airport took that long. So as you could imagine I was getting more bored with each stop. Of course little chance to eat anything all day didn't help any as my hunger grew. Not that I am complaining. Whilst it was overcast taking this picture,and overcast weather is really difficult to take pictures in, it brightened up towards midday which was welcomed by a beer and then a glut of masked people with frilly wigs, some bizarre and some slightly scary to say the least. Anyway what tonight is to bring is anyone's guess, perhaps a trip into San Marco, a Bellini and a longer in Harry's Bar perhaps, who knows.
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Werneth Low Cenotaph (Nikon D5000)
On a usual walk from the visitors centre and back again circling the golf course I tookm this pictures. This time unlike all the others I had my camera and zoom lens so it was quite lucky to be honest. Most walks around here appear out of the blue, this time I was prepared. It was a welcome chance to go out what with the last few weeks of staying in-doors or even worse going places for DIY stuff. AT least if you stay in-doors you could watch a film or lie-in or anything, but spending the day in a DIY store is no fun because afterwards you have the fun of putting togeher the item you bought or even worse you leave it in the hall as a constant reminder of your procrastination for weeks to come.
Anyway here's the pic of the Cenotaph.
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