Click here to see all pictures from January 2006 Fancy Lighting More Pictures by Sony Ericsson K700i Driving through Ancoats (well not just Ancoats the trip was Ancoats, City Centre, Adrwick, Ancoats, Centre, Adrwick, Ancoats and then home) we stumbled onto this street in Ancoats. It's not a great picture and again the k700i didn't help, but I did set the contrast wrong so I had to adjust the brightness and contrast; whilst doing this improves the picture it would have been better to get it right in the first place. These things in the middle of the road are streetlights and looked quite interesting with the sun low in the sky. In fact you can probably tell the lowness of the sun by the length of my shadow at the left of the picture that I have only just noticed. Of course I never saw this at the time due to the failing of many digital cameras in that they have a screen that you view from a distance and in high contrast lighting where your back is to the sun you can't make out a damn thing on the screen. Mind you facing the other way isn't any better. You would have thought that after the number of years of camera development they would have thought of this when they produced modern digital cameras but no But then again picture quality isn't what these cameras are about, it's about megapixels, storage space and image and style. Tags: ancoats lights 0 comments have been left Make a Comment |