November's PicturesLincoln Square (QTEK 9100)
The Manchester Markets have taken hold in Albert Square, St. Anne's Square and Lincoln Square which this is a picture of. Pride of place in Lincoln Square is a statue of Abraham Lincoln pictured here. I can't remember the reason for the statue mind you.
What you have here is a picture of the statue, a place to get Bratwurst and other lovely German sausages and to the left somewhere to get refreshment. Despite working on Peter Street the first time I got out to see the markets were yesterday for lunch with my wife (unfortunately I had to rush back for phone interviews) and today, a quick outing to get Christmas presents. It's not like there wasn't much to get I would have loved half the stuff there as a present I just suspect the people I have left to buy for would not be so appreciative. Ah well there's always Amazon.
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Woman on Ceiling (QTEK 9100)
Still in Manchester this is on the ceiling of the gallery in Manchester on Mosley Street. I don't think I was supposed to take pictures within the Gallery so I shall await a knock on the door from the Art Police. I can't remember the name of the room but it's a really tranquil room and perhaps that's the lighting and the seats around the outside that have speakers that play sort of ambient sound such as people talking and singing.
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Christmas Lights (QTEK 9100)
On a quick trip into Manchester we parked in China Town to have lunch and have a quick look around we saw this. Manchester's lights got turned on on Thursday and it appears that whilst the main lights are around Albert Square lots of other bits of the Centre did the same. This Dragon in China Town looks quite impressive. Thinking about it I do wonder what Piccadilly Gardens (not that the gardens exist anymore. I wonder if it's now called Piccadilly Square now) looks like, perhaps that's next week.
0 comments have been left | 20:40 12 Nov 2006 | Tags: lights china | Make a Comment
Red Leaves (Minolta X500)
And now for the peas of resistance a picture similar to that which I took a couple of years ago at Drummond Castle in Crief. I don't think the picture ever made it onto Zamyatin thought this one (which looking back on it I do still like, I just would have liked it to be centred better) did. The one that didn’t make it was a picture taken through the canopy of a tree with red leaves like this. It was taken with the Minolta so I was able to zoom and focus better... hmm correction I should say “at all” not “better”.
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Predictable Me (QTEK 9100)
Still in Debdale park, here's a picture of a tree lined path. A predictable one for me, I like the scene, though it's not as good a picture as I would have liked, so I shall now bore you with an average picture set out predictably.
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Glass In Cement (QTEK 9100)
There two weird things about this picture from Debdale park. The first is that to the left of the picture on the corner of the house are some strange oblong shapes, each one appears to be a piece of cement with a lump of glass embedded, each one marked with a date ending in a year with a three at the end, I think the earliest was 1933. This happens to be a building that looks like a hallish thing, or something like that. Don't know what the glass is there for though.
Just after the slight amazement of this, my Wife said "Is that a... is it alive that squirrel?" and sure enough in the picture slap bang in the middle is the tail of en ex-squirrel which looked like it might have found out that electric cables are not there as tasty snacks.
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