July's PicturesTamarind Paste (Canon PowerShot SX230 HS)
I have always wondered whether Emporer Monkeys tasted of Orange, mainly due to the fact that in my mind Tamarind sounds like a mash up of Tangarine and Mandarin. Of course they don't taste of Orange as that would be silly, everyone knows that they taste of mint and even at this proximity to them it would cause deep distress to them and probably me, should I try to give one a hearty lick.
Just so you know, these are in the Durrell wildlife park for wildlife that earn far too much and want to become Jersey residents to avoid UK tax. So it appears that these chaps have a bob or two and sit their taunting me with their fresh minty flavour and piles of cash and yet expect people like me to pay to see them get three square meals a day all paid for out of my entrance money... it makes me sick.
I say send them back where they came from and whilst that could be the Durrell Wildlife Park, I mean India or somewhere not here.
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Styal Mill (Nikon D5000)
Back to an old fave that we haven't seen for some time. In fact I can't remember when I was last there. I don't seem to have a picture of it, so I can't have been that impressed, either that or went on a tour and there was no time for pictures. It was a quick dash out because it was more or less the only time we could get out whilst some boiler engineers did their stuff. Of course it was a very warm day so it was ideal for testing the central heating for 2 hours stuck in the house.
Next weekend and the weekend after should be quite fun, some more events coming up, but you never know I may be just able to take one if not two nice pictures, but I wouldn't count in it at the moment
This is of course a picture of the back of the mill. They have opened the gardens up finally, so that was the draw this weekend. Not sure when they actually opened them but since we knew they were it was a good excuse to go and see what was there. It was quite interesting as it's all on a rather steep hill however the views aren't that great because there are so many trees. Also the weir was closed because they are installing a fish race so that they can avoid the weir.
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