January's PicturesInteresting Building (Nisis DV5)
Now this doesn't seem like an interesting picture in many ways other that it's lit with a low winter sun which again isn't interesting to most. The great thing about the winter sun is that it causes quite a bit of contrast, something that I'd love to have captured around Pendle Hill but never got the chance.
No the interesting thing about this picture is the sundial on the building instead of the clock. Personally I don't know how this works but I can only assume it does. How the clock works being vertical is a mystery to me and I'm sure sundials have to be moved during the months to keep the accurate. Perhaps I'm wrong.
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The Liver Building (Nisis DV5)
Nothing much to day about this for those who know Liverpool only a little bit. I think I have a pic of this in my collection somewhere taken with a 35mm camera in a print in one of the many albums I have, however I thought I would take one for this photoblog.
It was a cold day and after looking at the World Museum and eating at a strange Chinese Restaurant we walked down the the Mersey and this is where this pic was taken. The Mersey always looks wider than I remember it every time which is weird.
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Dunsop Hill Memorial (Nisis DV5)
Again for me a memorial. I seem to take a few pictures of memorials. The one is in Dunsop Hill for those who died in the First World War.
We got here because my wife told me the village was supposed to be really beautiful. We got there and it's rather difficult to understand what's beautiful. Don't get me wrong it's not horrible but there's nothing there. Aside from the attendant service petrol station, the post office and the flock of ducks looking for bread there's nothing there. Mind you it looked like when the weather is good people flock there so perhaps it's that we weren't into what Dunsop had to offer which is probably access to a good walk. Unfortunately for Dunsop we were looking for access to a good meal, so it was off to Clitheroe.
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Pendle Hill (Nisis DV5)
We circled Pendle Hill a few times I think. The strategy was to confuse and confound the hill before the attack or you might think we didn't know where we were going. There were plenty of signs telling us that we weren't where we wanted to be but no signs telling us where we should go.
Since the hill is a few meters off mountain classification you can be assured we didn't attempt an assent. Slightly lost we followed some likely punters with walking boots only to find they lived there and we were following them home. Not wanting to look foolish we carried on our way as if we intended to go where we were going and so embarked on a walking spree to... nowhere.
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The First Snow In Manchester (QTEK 9100)
It snowed like crazy today very heavily for a short amount of time. This picture is of the Hare and Hounds just before the the hardest part of the journey up the hill past Chadkirk. Rationally we would have not stopped to take pictures but no. The steep hill into Romley took it's toll on a few drivers one of which on a motorbike met the tarmac.
I must admit it would be a nice idea to be snowed in at the Hare and Hounds but it never happened. There were loads of pictures that would be ideal but the the fact that both the DV5 and the QTEK are bad at low light pictures put this out of my mind.
0 comments have been left | 21:34 21 Jan 2007 | Tags: snow pub | Make a Comment
Southport Memorial (QTEK 9100)
Just a quick picture of one of the two symetrical World War I memorials in Southport. In the middle is a needle that I don't have a good picture of. Maybe if this weekend mirrors another weekend to come (in that I don't think I'll have time for any pictures let alone any) then you might see it, however we may go back and I might be able to get a better picture.
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Closed Pleasureland (QTEK 9100)
This is a picture from between Xmas and New Year. I'm only putting this up because someone did a search for Pleasureland and found this site, so being a little late with everything as usual here's a pic of Southport's Pleasureland.
I must admit I am always attracted to closed or run down or abandoned places I don't know why, probably part of a "romantic" idea of being able to imagine the things that happened that you can gain from places like this only when they are closed and the hurly burly (or perhaps not since it closed) has disappeared.
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