April's PicturesTrentham Monkey... Squirrel Forest (Nikon D5000)
Whoa such a tiring day today. Not just did we do Trentham Gardens in a sort of mistaken identity but we did the Monkey Forest next door too. Now I'm shattered since we walked from one to the other and all around the Money Forest.
I say mistaken identity because I mixed up a load of memories and thought that that the Italian Fountain at Hever Hall was here which of course it wasn't because it was at... Hever. Either way the memories of our first trip to Trentham came flooding back.
Of course this pic is of the Monkey Forest with a squirell of course and a Monkey in the background. The monkeys are great but the problem is that every time I pointed the camera at a money they turn their backs... I think they knew. Also to be honest, one picture of a monkey is as good as another so I now have a bunch of photos of monkeys in different poses, hence this pic.
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Its Nature Month (Nikon D5000)
Ah ha it's nature month. Moving on from animals it's now onto flowers. Obviously I have no idea what these are because I am no gardener so I can't tell you what IU can tell you is that they are in Whitly Court's garden as this weekend has been a short tour of English Heritage places, the first of which was Kenilworth Castle but Witley Court was the more interesting with its fountain and the unfortunate fire that ultimately lead to it's ruin. The gardens at Witley are impressive and very colourful as you can see from the picture. There is even a link to where we stayed at Ansty Hall which is detailed on the English Heritage site so a full house... and yes it's a hotel now, we haven't gone up in the world unlike one of the visitors at Witley Court who seemed to suggest that he had been there, however I doubt that we would have been around pre 1937 when the fire gutted one of the halls so I can only assume he was attached to the scrap merchants who stripped the place.
Anyway back to the pic, not a great deal to say other than I cracked the zoom lens out and put it into macro mode whilst I lay on the floor but I like the picture less about the flower in focus and more about the rest of the colours in the backdrop.
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Liiittle Piiigies (Nikon D5000)
Even the stone cold heart of Zamyatin says that this is cute. I have flicked through several pictures many times and this one was a dilemma because I don't want to flood the market with pig pictures.
Needless to say that this is my best pig picture, and every time I look at it I wonder if it is in focus. Does it matter because it's Liiitele Piiigs.
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Expecting to Fly (Nikon D5000)
Back at Cotebrook we were looking into a field and saw this flutter by and rest on the grass. I was quite patient and tried to wait for it to turn around and show it's red wings a little better but no so I got lower and grabbed my zoom lens and this is what I got. Well in fact I got loads of pictures and not just of horses and butterflys some of them were pretty good.
After the day I've had just staring at a picture of a butterfly (moths with colour really) might just be the ticket. How about you? Of course anyone who reads this might help my telling me what the butterfly is.
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The Eyes Have It (Nikon D5000)
Oh it's been a long weekend, what with being on 24h support for the week and getting a call every night and spending a great deal of Saturday on the phone or at a computer it's been bad, but we did decide to go out the Werneth Low on Saturday afternoon since the sun was out and it was a wonderful day. We had a picnic and I got a great big kiss from a dog. Minding my own business sat on the grass I was disturbed by a small yapper heading full pelt towards my sensitive bits and it wad going some. At the point at which I thought it was safe to stop I noticed it was still going 100% and before I knew it I had a face full of dog mouth licking my face. Luckily he noticed food and was was off.
Sunday was Cotebrook Shire Horse Centre. Again a glorious day and great for standing about in fields with horses which are as I may have said before, impressive and frightening beasts. In my opinion horses are basically one huge muscle without much brain making them pretty frightening. Definitely the sort of animal able to break your face my accident, a bit like Lennie in the book “Of Mice and Men”. This picture is of one of the horses that looked a little sleepy to be honest but I did get this which you can see I'm in the reflection along with my Wife and Daughter which I didn't really expect when I took it. I did see myself but I didn't think I would be so clear.
I was going to put a picture of a butterfly but was convinced to put this one in as I was told it looked better. I also avoided putting pictures of pigs in as I seem to have a reputation for pig pictures if you ask Google along with a mis-spelling of forest, Venice and Dr. Who, but pigs out strip everything by a long chalk and now by putting the word pig in here I have not helped... damn it.
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Green Man (Nikon D5000)
Just a little bit like Wood Face but this one is of a Green Man which is of course a legend with a common theme of life, death and rebirth (yeah I copied the last bit). This is back at Crich Tramway Museum.
So of course this weekend had nothing in store as far as pictures are concerned, nothing more than the Trafford Centre and Mothers Day and neither were photo opportunities. Perhaps next weekend.
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